Sunday, October 19, 2014

Pedagogy - SAMR Model

Substitution - At the :48 second portion of the Chicago iPad video, teachers were using the iPads for spelling words. This is an example of substitution because the iPad was replacing the traditional method of spelling out words on paper. There is no functional change, the new technology is simply replacing the old. This best relates to Bloom's level referred to as remembering

Augmentation -  At the 1:37 mark of the Chicago iPad video,  iPads were being used to help special education students with grocery shopping. This is an example of augmentation because the traditional method of taking a written list to the grocery store was substituted with a list on the iPad. The functionality of that list was then increased by the addition of pictures and audio to help the students locate the grocery item on the shelves. This is closely related to Bloom's level of applying.

Modification - At the 2:06 mark of the  Chicago iPad video, students were using iPads to design and operate virtual roller coasters. This would be an example of modification because the task of building a roller coaster is significantly redesigned due to the use of technology. The physics app allows students to create the coaster and then manipulate its individual parts to design something functional. The analyzing level of Bloom's taxonomy is most closely related to this task. 

Redefinition - The Zeeland video gave an excellent example of redefinition. Students were using iPads to create commercials to advertise the sale of wristbands. The commercials were student-designed and student-created. The technology was the tool used to create something new. Students were collaborating with one another while creating something authentic for a real audience of their peers. The is closely related to Bloom's level referred to as creating

After watching all of the video selections and reading the information related to Bloom's, I was able to easily see the connections between Bloom's model and the SAMR model. As teachers, we are always striving to teach at the higher levels of Bloom's taxonomy. As we integrate more and more technology into our classrooms and lesson plans, we should continue to include higher level thinking skills. We need to make every effort to be sure that technology is not just serving as a substitution for paper and pencil tasks.

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