Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Photo Editing



Reflection - Photos and use of the camera can most definitely support curriculum. First of all, kids love it! They love to see pictures of themselves displayed in the classroom, in presentations, and on the teacher's webpage. Pictures are always a great marketing tool promoting what is going on in the classroom and in the school.
     In my own subject area (technology), students could use the iPads to take and edit their own pictures for presentations. We have used images in Edmodo, in creating Jib Jab videos, and while creating presentations. Adding pictures that they have taken themselves, instead of using images found online, will add a level of ownership and uniqueness to the presentation. This would also be a time that I could promote good digital citizenship when taking and using photos of students.
     The camera feature would also be a great way to document what is happening in the classroom. It is often difficult to assess certain tasks that are done without the use of paper and pencil. The camera feature will help me document student learning in different ways.

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