Sunday, November 9, 2014

Comic Creation


Reflection - I used Comic Maker HD to create a comic showing the steps to get logged on and to my webpage in technology class. This app would be fun for students, too. One of the ways I can see using this in a classroom setting is to explain the steps in a process. I would really be able assess a student's knowledge in this way. Many of our grade levels do process writing, so I think that these apps would be a new twist on that writing style.
     Another idea would be to incorporate the comic creators as a method of journaling. Students can tell stories of activities in their lives through the use of comics. This may even help students that have a hard time giving a retelling of an event. Students who are experiencing difficulties with peer relationships could "act out" appropriate ways to deal with bullies and those who are difficult to get along with.
     The creation of comics could also be used as advertisement for books in our library. We look for creative ways for students to share books with others. The students could promote a book through the use of a comic. We could laminate the comics and hang them on the book shelves near the books. I think it would attract a lot of attention, it would attract students to certain books, and it would give the student who created the comic a lot of recognition. This would be an example of modification in the SAMR model. We could have promoted books with comics before (although I hadn't thought of it before this assignment), but the assignment would be significantly redesigned through the use of the iPad app.

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