Saturday, November 29, 2014

InfuseLearning - Enhanced Student Response Systems

Reflection - InfuseLearning and Socrative were both adequate assessment tools. I was able to easily create the quiz and link it to my webpage so students could access it.For my younger students, I liked that InfuseLearning could read the questions aloud. I also like the ability to draw a response in InfuseLearning. I will have to experiment with the program more to find out how the Open Ended Text answer works. I put possible answers into the program, but only a few of the students got a correct score, even when I would have accepted their answers. If I were to use one of these assessment programs again, I would choose InfuseLearning. I felt it was easier to set up the quiz, I could easily insert the images from my computer, and I liked being able to monitor student progress throughout the quiz. 

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